How I Lost 3 Million Dollars

How I lost $3,000,000

So let's start from the top, so you guys can really know what's going on here. It all started the day that a new competitive style of playing Fortnite was introduced by Epic (Company that made Fortnite) when they added tournaments to the game. Once I heard the news, I had to check it out for myself, so I turned on my Ps4 and got on Fortnite. Then, once I got warmed up and felt ready to play in the recently added tournaments, I started up the first game, and put my serious face on. I lost my first couple of games because I was still get used to which way I would play the game to win. But, I finally started getting the hang of it and started dominating players and I ended up getting the necessary points needed to try to compete for money and possibly a spot in the world cup. So, when the tournaments finally started, I barely had any time to play in them, due to being somewhere else when they started, because the first stage of the tournaments were always held on Saturdays, and I was barely ever home on Saturdays. But then, one weekend i decided to stay home and play in the weekend tournaments and see how far I could go against the best players to ever play the game.

world cup